Product Description

Common Name: Tongue Sole

Alternative Names:

Scientific Name: Cynoglossus macrostomus

Process type: Whole Round

Size range: 200/500 gms ; 500 gms Up (Premium Size)

Packing in bulk / 10 / 15 / 25 kgs per box

Method of Catch: TBB- Beam Trawls

Fishing Zone: FAO 051

There are a few different species of sole fish, all of which have a peculiar physical appearance yet all are quite delicious. They are also known as ground fish and they hug the seafloor with both eyes situated on the right sides of their heads looking up towards the ocean’s surface. As a premier white fish, they are an excellent source of low-fat protein, calcium and other nutrients and vitamins. Sole fish will make a high quality, succulent and healthy addition to your menu that will quickly become a favorite amongst your diners. All sole fish provide slender fillets, so care must be taken to not over cook them. These slim slices are best suited to poaching and steaming rather than baking or broiling. Your customers will take pleasure in the delicate buttery slices of culinary bliss created by your chef. Sole fish are lovely when served simple with herbs and seasonings and just as delicious when donned with flavorful sauces.